Wednesday 15 April 2015

Get rid of blackheads

Blackheads on the face(pic taken from
Just hearing the word blackheads obviously makes you feel what you not. Blackheads are black or yellowish bumps or plugs on skin which develop due to the excess oil in pores of the skin. Medically they are known as comedone.
Blackheads are caused by many different factors. For example hormonal changes can cause blackheads in teens and young people from the ages of 12 to 24, as well as menstruating and pregnant women of any age. There are several popular makeup and skin care products today. These products can irritate the skin and cause blackheads, especially in those who have sensitive skin. These products also contain oil which can get trapped in pores and cause blackheads. Diet plays a significant role in the appearance of skin. Other factors that can result in blackhead formation include insufficient water in your body, and over exfoliating your skin. When you scrub your body too hard, you may remove some of the body’s natural substances that help to control facial oil and stop blackheads.

Ways To Get Rid of Blackheads

Since blackheads do not cause pain or any other signs of discomfort, it is not essential to get rid of them. However, they affect our physical appearance and that’s why most people decide to remove them. in this section, we’ll cover how to do just that.
Below, are some of the best methods to get rid of blackheads naturally.

Wash your face
Washing your face frequently is the best way to avoid blackheads on the chin or other body parts. Since blackheads are primarily caused by oily skin, you must wash your face regularly using a gentle cleanser.
Wash and clean the affected area if you feel that oil has accumulated in skin pores.
Check your diet
Apart from proper hygiene and skin care, it is equally important to check your diet plan in order to permanently get rid of blackheads. Some food items, especially those that have refined fats and carbohydrates enhance the secretion of sebum, which worsens blackheads.
To keep your skin hydrated, be sure to drink plenty of water and also include plenty of vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamins and minerals
Avoid using excess makeup
Applying too much makeup on the face can worsen blackheads, especially for those who have oily skin. Also, applying poor quality products can make the condition worse. Therefore, make sure you apply minimum makeup to reduce the development of blackheads.
Stem in hot water for five minutes. This will help to open up your clogged pores and treat blackheads.

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice contains an acidic property which helps to reduce excess oil and prevent any bacterial infections. Rinse with lemon where they a it off using cold water after half an hour.
Baking Soda
Mix it with water and make a paste. Apply the paste on your blackheads and rinse it off after twenty minutes.

how to use soda to remove blackheads
(video taken from YouTube)

Tuesday 14 April 2015


Bodies are always changing. Sometimes the changes may seem normal yet they can be signs of cancer. The key is to pay attention to your body so you can notice when something's different, says Robyn Andersen, PhD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Today will give you some of the tips that can alert you that you might be having cancer but do read more for some symptoms

1. Breast changes
Breast can have lamps and it is crucial to note that  breast lumps do not mean you have cancer but visiting your doctor to check them will leave you out of suspense and explain to you doctor about how you feel or any changes that might have occured on your  breasts. What to note on your breast is the
  • Skin dimpling or puckering
  • Nipples that turn inward
  • Nipple discharge
  • Redness or scaling of your nipple or breast skin

2. Period Bleeding
If you’re still getting periods, tell your doctor if you’re spotting between them. Bleeding that’s not a part of your usual monthly cycle can have many causes, but your doctor will want to rule out endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of your uterus).

3.Skin Changes
A change in the size, shape, or color of a mole or other spot is a common sign of skin cancer. See your doctor for a thorough exam and perhaps a biopsy. This is one time you don't want to wait, Meyers says.

4. Blood in Your Pee or Stool
Talk to your doctor if you're bleeding from a part of your body that normally doesn't, especially if the bleeding lasts more than two days. This can also be a symptom of colon cancer. Bloody urine is usually the first sign of cancer of the bladder or kidneys.

5. Trouble Swallowing
Occasional trouble swallowing is nothing to worry about as you might be having sore throat or tonsils but when it happens often, especially with vomiting or weight loss it can be stomach cancer.

6. Mouth Changes
If you smoke, watch for white or bright-red patches inside your mouth or on your lips. Both can be a signal of oral cancer. Ask your doctor or dentist about tests and treatment even if you are not a smoker kind of person.

7. Cough
We can catch flue and cough but If you cough up blood, go to the doctor. A cough is the most common symptom of lung cancer.

pic taken from

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Make your hair a priority

Hair is  difficult to maintain but it can be easy as well if you follow the right kind of steps. Hair is made of proteins, so keeping a healthy diet and good hygiene is an essential part of maintaining it. Here are some other tips about hair care, and what you can do at home to make your hair look beautiful.

STEP 1:Washing your hair properly

Washing hair too often can leave hair dried out, leached of its natural oils, and may damage your hair. Shampoo your hair at most after one week. Ask your hairdresser the best shampoo to use for your hair.

STEP 2:Dry the hair

Let hair dry naturally. After you get out of the shower, wrapping your hair in a towels is not ideal because towels are made of fabric that is very rough and damaging to your hair, causing split ends. Avoid brushing hair while wet, as it makes the hair brittle and weak. Only use a wide tooth comb to brush out tangles while hair is wet. Try not to use a blow-dryer. Healthy hair does not respond well to heat. Hair can sustain heat damage easily, especially from blow-dryers. If you have to use a blow-dryer, dry your hair using the lowest-temperature setting and limit usage.

STEP 3:Condition the hair

They are different types of hair conditioners. Always condition your hair every time you shampoo it and again ask for a hair conditioner that suit your hair texture. With the conditioner be cautious that it does not contain too much protein. Too much protein can leave your hair feeling desiccated and brittle. While protein is the building block of healthy hair, use conditioners that come with balanced ingredients.

STEP 4:Brush your hair
Before brushing the hair use your hands to separate your hair. Brushing your hair will cause damage to your hair strands that results in frizz and split ends.

hair being shampooed (pic taken from )

Monday 6 April 2015

How to pack a travelling bag

picture taken  from

When going on a trip you don’t want to bring too much stuff, too little stuff, or have your stuff arrive in a crumpled mess. Everyone has their own way to pack but this will help you improve your packing when travelling

Create a packing list

Instead of trying to figure out what you need to pack, create a packing list of items . A packing list not only ensures that you won’t forget anything important (especially the little things that are easily overlooked while rushing out the door), it also prevents you from over packing. This will help you cut down on expensive baggage fees.

Check the Weather

Check what the weather is going to be like where you are going before you pack. Forecasts these days go hour by hour, so you can see what you’ll need to be comfortable in morning, noon, and night. is a great resource for weather report.Also, call the friend you’re visiting, or someone who has been where you’re going, and ask if your destination has any quirky weather patterns.

Packing Clothes

Don’t forget a pair of pyjama pants to sleep in because you will not like using your clothes as pyjamas. Alternate Folding is a way to avoid creases in clothing and is done by placing one garment between the folds of another garment. By placing another garment between the folds, you can prevent a crease from forming.
Shoes are often dirty and can soil your clothes. Put shoes in a newspaper or in a plastic bag and place them on top of all your stuff in the suitcase.


Packing Toiletries

Toiletries must be packed in your carry-on bag together with undergarments as well. Bags often get lost or misplaced so you do not want to end up without a toothbrush, toothpaste, undergarments or deodorant.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Traditional Peanut Butter Beef Stew

I remember when I was a kid we used to go to our rural home on holidays. My grandmother always had many recipes to cook for us so that we do not remember going back to the city for better food. To be honest I do not love traditional dishes but when my grandmother cooked l always enjoyed her food especially if she used peanut butter. Peanut butter is most used. In Zimbabwe peanut butter can be used together with cabbages, caterpillars, spinach, rape , rice and samp . So today l thought of  sharing with you one of the dish that my grandmother always liked to serve for dinner.



beef (350g).
one tomato.
one onion.
peanut butter (2 table spoon).
500mls water.
cooking oil for frying.

  • First boil your meat with salt as usually until its tender.
  • After you have boiled your meat fry it until its golden brown..
  • add your chopped onions and tomatoes to the meat and let it simmer until its is well cooked.
  • add 2tsp of peanut butter and stir.
  • add 500ml of water and close your pot for at least five minutes and your peanut butter stew will be ready to serve.
If you do not want to fry your meat you can as well do so but make sure to add the chopped onions and tomatoes when the water in the meat is still there so that the tomatoes are well cooked.
Beef with peanut butter (pic taken from

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Truth about heels

Wearing heels can make a woman look more stylish, confident and tall. Heels come in
 different types but it can also cause back pain. Know the advantages and disadvantages of wearing heels.

Lucky are the women who are naturally tall. Tall looks compliment the beauty of body. Wearing heels is one option for looking tall. However heels are not preferred only because they make you look tall. Heels are now available in various patterns matching the designs of a variety of outfits. 

Advantages of Wearing Heels

Tall Look

Wearing heels help to increase the height by 5-6 inches to the maximum. This is helpful for the women who love tall look because they are short.

High heels give a stylish look to the overall physical appearance of women. In addition to style it also gives lot of attention. It also adds style to the way you walk.

Good Body Posture

After wearing heels women get a feeling of having a good posture. Heels help to bring out and attractive body posture. It also adds to the confidence of the women while carrying her self. The exception to this is the woman who rarely wears heels. Some women may fall in embarrassment if they wear very high heels for the first time. If you buy a pair of high heel sandals do practice walking at home with them. This will help you to avoid possible awkwardness when you actually go out.

Good looking legs

Heels help to enhance the beauty of your legs. Those who like to wear short skirts can make their legs look more gorgeous with the help of stunning heels. Heels make legs look longer and shapelier.

Complementary to Clothes

Heels compliment the attractiveness of the clothes. Box or conical heels go well with the corporate attire. Pencil heels make the minis or tunics look more striking. Wearing platform heels with trousers or wide bottom jeans will give a cool look.

Disadvantages of Wearing Heels

Foot pain

Most of the women suffer form foot pain after walking with high heels. Because of high heels the entire pressure of body is concentrated on the feet. If this happens for a longer time it can cause foot and even hip pain. 

Difficulty in walking

Many women find it difficult to walk with high heels. Walking long distance with high heels proves to be painful. It often causes heel pain due to walking or standing on high heels for longer time. The way of walking may also look wired. 

Back pain

Wearing heels causes entire pressure of body fall on the lower back. This pressure falling on the lower back can cause back pain. However proper way of walking, exercise and yoga may help you avoid and get rid of such back pain. 

Yellowing and misshapenness

Concentrated body weight on the foot heels may make them harder and develop yellow patches on it. It may also cause misshapenness of your feet. To avoid this you can massage your feet regularly with oil or cream and proper foot care.

Leg Sprain

Major cases of leg sprain in women are caused due to high heels. It may be caused if the person is not used to wearing high heels. Try walking slowly and with extra care while wearing high heels. Try to avoid high heels if you are not using your own vehicle.

Use these high heel sandals very rarely. Wearing heels regularly may cause serious leg and foot injuries in the future. It is a mentality of many women that high heels indicate higher status. However, status is worthless if old age is full of leg and back pain


high heels (pic taken from

Thursday 26 March 2015

Dressing for a job interview

First impressions are more important though what you will say in the interview matters the most. When you go for you interview remember you are competing with other people for that job so you must pay attention to everything from what you wear and how you are groomed to your  body language.

Interviewee's first impression is color. The color of your clothing sends a hidden message to the interviewer about your personality. Wearing the right colors will do you good and these are neutral colors . However, before choosing an outfit for your interview first research about the business environment of the company.


Blue –An awesome color to choose for your job interview and it’s a color that is loved by almost everyone. Blue express feelings of calm, trust, and confidence - great qualities for an interviewer to sense in you.

Gray - Gray is another great neutral color for interview outfits. It evokes sophistication and neutrality.

Black - Black is a color for interviews. It conveys authority . Therefore it is crucial to note at the environment. The color black is a good color for a job like a law office, or  for a high-level executive position.

In every neutral colour you must decide always have a white shirt or blouse you will never go wrong
White – conveys truth and simplicity, and adds a bit of brightness

Of course,  the right outfit with the right colors can set you apart from everyone.

Colors for wear for an interview (pic taken online from About Careers)

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Natural way,the way to go.

According to Mail Online British women spend £450 for their nails to be done .When we hear of a wedding,birthday party or any special event we want to attend we all want to look good on the day. We even go to our beautician for acrylic nails.The coming of these nails came at the rescue for some of us who are used to nail biting,  it even made the nails look extremely lovely. 
However, since they are completely artificial, manufactured from chemical compounds, they also come with their own consequences that we must know.


No matter how beautiful they may look, and no matter how experienced a beautician we go to, for application of acrylic nails, these nails will not look realistic and hence natural nails will always be the best compared to artificial ones.
They are incapable of protecting our original nails.If the acrylic nails bend or twist due to some reason like doing laundry or plates, it could be very painful to you original nails.

Sometimes when you remove the acrylic nails the natural nails could have changed their color.This is also a way of saying that nothing can substitute healthy, strong,natural nails.
If one does not properly remove acrylic nails after use, it might cause health problems or even damage your original nails. The material used to bond the acrylic nail to the ones we have naturally, may harm the nails or the skin around it as chemical made.Sometimes the acetone we use to remove our nails might make our skin react. Thus, one should be extra careful while removing the acrylic nails.
If done poorly there is a high risk of damaging the natural nail. This can lead to nasty things such as fungus and infection.

As much as we want to cut costs by  doing acrylic nails ourselves we are prone to risking the our nails.If you do any harm while applying the nails visit the nearest clinic. 

Acrylic Nails (Image taken from YOU MAGAZINE)

Wednesday 18 March 2015

What to look for in winter boots.

free people how to wear boots celebrity fashion blog covet her closet how to sale sorel joan of artic
Women's boots (pic taken online from Fashion Magazine)
Winter is the most stressful season and we do not want to catch flue. However, it  also means  new winter boots in the market with different labels. We must not compromise style instead of protecting our feet from cold. Make sure you consider some of the following features and shop wisely when buying a pair of winter boots.


Warmth is obviously a major concern when shopping for winter boots. Make sure you look at the material used inside the boots. Materials that are known for warmth include cotton and has a lot of advantages that you can want in boots hence make sure to look at the material used inside the boots.



When boots can stretch you have the ability to wear socks inside and this gives you more warmth .


We can not talk about boots without talking about comfort. This is an important aspect to consider when buying boots. We travel a lot of distance wearing boots or we wear boots for the whole day. In particular, a good boot should support the foot and the arch and encourage good walking posture. So make sure when you are buying your boots you must be there so that you can fit you boots and walk at least one meter distance in the shop to see if the boots make you feel good and comfortable in them.


Waterproof Boots

We all do not  want that snow, light rain not to get into our boots when we are wearing them. So make sure you look for boots with a. A cuff  is a an extra layer of material that curves at the top of the boot to form a kind of collar. It prevents snow to get into the boot, and encourages the snow to fall to the outside of the boot.


Lightweight Winter Boots

Lightweight winter boots are more comfortable and a pleasure to wear. In a winter season the weather is harsh and we do not want to burden our feet with heavy weight boots. Make sure you look at what you buy and choose the most light boots that you feel you can have the potential to left up when you are walking.

Monday 16 March 2015

Eye lashes a risk to natural eyebrow

FAKE EYELASHES (pic taken from

Eyelashes, is the hair that grows from the tips of the eyelids and protect your eye. 
Eye lashes extensions  add length, fullness and thickness to natural eyelashes. A surgical-grade adhesive is used to connect the extension to the natural eyebrow. According to UK Saloons blog  extensions there are actually three different kinds of lashes are available in different colors, lengths and thicknesses. One procedure lasts around two hours and the extension lasts from three weeks to a couple of months depending on the quality of work and materials used.

Side Effects of Eyelash Extensions

Damage to Natural Eyelashes
In some cases, the adhesive used to connect the natural and artificial eyelash can break the natural eyelash. Some people can even have permanent hair loss due to this condition.

Eye Infection or Injury
The process of attaching the eyelash extensions is very dangerous since the tools come in close proximity to the eyes. Also, it is important to be careful regarding eye irritation. The adhesive should be carefully applied in order to prevent reaching the eyes. Even the slightest eye irritation can cause severe eye infection.

Eye Sensitivity
The adhesive can cause sensitivity and irritation to the skin. This is why it is important first to check if it does. People with sensitive skin usually suffer from rashes and irritation due to the adhesive. Eye irritation and sensitivity can cause infection that can lead to eye damage or even vision loss.

To add on we cannot deny that eyelashes are a universal symbol of beauty. Women, who generally want longer lashes, typically have shorter ones . Alternative products can be used to improve your natural eye lashes . Products such as mascara will make your eyelashes look longer.
However, it is really up to you if you can accept these risk for beauty.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Better Home,better gardening

Gardening is one of the chores that a lot of women hate doing. When I was young I used to get angry when my mother made me help my cousin brother to do gardening. However, as I grew up I realised the importance of gardening. Growing your own vegetable garden can do more and whether you are using a community garden or backyard garden .A lot of us we do not know the advantages of gardening but rather we only view them as labor intensive. Gardens provide tasty produce, gardening can improve health and save money.
The experience of eating first fresh-picked vegetables can be sublime. "I've had people say it was the best taste they've ever had. Most of the farmers in bid to increase their produce so as to meet their demand for profit making they tend to use chemical fertilizers to quicken maturity of plants hence resulting in vegetables losing their taste. However, with a garden at you home you can plant vegetables without using any chemicals to quicken maturity giving your produce the taste that is unique.
Gardens are the best way we can improve our health. Not only are you getting fresh produce that are readily available but doing the garden chores can help you exercise that assists you in improve your body shape.
Sometimes we get to spend a lot of money on buying something we always have the ability to do.  Gardening will not only save money but it helps you know where the plants are coming from and how are they produced.
Gardening can save the community. In a community garden it is a program that helps everyone .It is a program that is owned communal were those interested in farming teach each other about farming skills. The program benefits the community by clearly giving skills and values you can have forever.
So ladies lets shift to gardening and enjoy the benefits.
Gardening a way to go (pic taken from Victorian Online Magazine)

Tuesday 10 March 2015

How to get a man

Sometimes we tend to deceive ourselves that we do not need love when we actually need love. Love is the most simple word that anyone can utter but its also a difficult  word to define and has endless meaning to everyone.  Love is a great feeling that any being would love to experience regardless of their background.

To every women so special that is looking for love  i want to share with you  tips on how to get a man that you always dreamed of having.

Try going to places like church:
Church is a place you will never go wrong with . This gives you the ability to meet the person you share the same  faith and moral grounding. This good place will help you to find serious men who you are looking for that is a life partner.

Dress up all the times
We all have something we love about our body. Maybe its your breasts, flat stomach,curves,etc. Whatever it is, buy and wear clothes that show your good qualities while downplaying the negative part of your body . This will not only help you to get the attention of a men, but also boost your confidence.

 Boost your confidence
 A confident woman knows her value.She knows she’s pretty great and does not allow to be shattered by anyone. She also knows that a guy will be very lucky to be with her because she has the ability to make his man happy than any women could do.

Do not pretend to be what you are not. Show the real you. A person will like to know the truth about you and that will also bring him more closer to you.


Pic taken from

Thursday 5 March 2015

2015 International Women's day

Every year on 9 August a public holiday is observed for Women’s Day in South Africa,a public holiday that celebrates the women who fought tirelessly against the tyranny of the Apartheid government. All around the world,the 8th of March marked the celebration of International Women's Day. An opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality world wide.In 1909, the Socialist Party of America organized a New York City march commemorating a garment workers’ strike the previous year. The party called it National Women’s Day, and women organized by the group demonstrated for better pay and working conditions, as well as the right to vote, according to the International Women's Day website.

International Women's Day theme was "Make it Happen" while across countries some nations had they own theme just to fit to the context their live in.In Zimbabwe the theme was " Linking women to markets: Changing Face of Development through Zim Asset." When i was growing up i knew a little about the day, it was just like any other day until i grew up to be a women myself and not forgetting the reading of books and updates from the media enabled me to extensively widen my knowledge about this day. Not only is the International Women's Day a celebration of being a woman but it embraces more like the struggle of women to be recognized in a patriarchal society and marking the economic, political and social achievements of women.

Women celebrating on international women's day
(pic taken from
Today am more interested with the words embraced in the reason for International Women's Day celebration that is achieving socially,economical and political as a woman. In societies we live in we see achievement as being associated with wealth and sometimes we get demoralized in the process if we fail forgetting somehow we still achieved and we can still push for a better dream.. The aim of international women's day come in to tackle issues we have had concerning achieving as a women. As much as you have walked a journey of a woman you have achieved one of the three aspects and never look that woman in you down,she has natured a lot of things,went through a lot just to make things happen for her and her family and those around her.

 Achievement is something that has been done through effort.It is a result of hard work.So if you feel like you have worked hard,you have made it.As a women today mediate on the success you have made not economical but social or political and that way you will feel the importance of a women.You have made it happen and will always make it happen.  


Tuesday 3 March 2015

Avoid Winter Flue

We are about to get in a season called winter. A season known for colds and flue 

Flue is a disease also known as influenza and is said to be a respiratory infection caused by a lot of viruses. It usually affects people aged above 65 and people with long-term health conditions like diabetes and kidney disease are mostly at risk of getting flue.

Symptoms of flue are

-high fever
-A cough and/or sore throat
-A runny or stuffy nose
-Headaches and/or body aches
-Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea (most common in children)

Simple ways to reduce chances of getting flu

1)Try to avoid close contact with sick people.People are much physically closer during winter, this makes it easier for infections.If you are using public transport always open windows and at home MAKE SURE THE WINDOWS IN YOUR HOUSE ARE OPENED TO ALLOW CIRCULATION OF FRESH AIR.

2)Always keep keep warm.Wrap yourself with warm clothes. Wear shoes with a good grip if you need to go outside. If you can, always stay inside during a cold weather.

 3)Heat your home to make it stay warm.

4)Use Flue vaccination-its an injection commonly known as the "flu jab" and is used to protect adults and some children at risk of getting flu.

5)Wash your hands throughout the day because it prevent infections.Hands are veritable germ factories. Warm water and soap will kill the germs We touch a lot of things with our hands and later touching our nose or mouth thus becoming  prone to flue infection.

Keep safe and enjoy winter

Prevent Flue Today (Picture downloaded from

    Sunday 1 March 2015

    Mother-child bond

    We always hear experts saying the first time that a mother and child bond is during the first few hours after birth.Bonding refers to your feelings for and sense of connection to your child that begins before birth and usually develops very quickly in the first weeks after the baby is born. Bonding, or the development of trust between a mother and her child, begins from the moment the two are brought together.The bond between parent and child is one of the strongest connections in nature.Mother-child bonding is not a process that enlists not just our hearts, but our brains, hormones, nerves, and almost every part of our bodies. During this time mothers often breastfeed their children and hold them close, thus keeping the two in physical contact for the first precious hours and days of the infant’s life.

    Mother-child bonding(picture downloaded from the internet)
    Bond is such an amazing thing that a mother and a child would want to experience.However,with the increase in technology some bonds have been washed away while some have been reinstated. We can not deny the negative and positive impact of technology on the mother to child bond. I still remember when we started face-booking my friend used to complain that she was friends with her mother on Facebook.It made her feel like her mother was spying on her and she was in position where she felt like her mother was now going to have access to the information that she sent out to her friends.

     As much as we go to that extreme of trying to maintain or build strong bonds with our children sometimes we overdo it such that our daughters think that they are being watched.The way we want mothers and children create better relationships is that a case of mothers letting daughters fail and not fix everything for them. They can make sure that if their children are upset about something, they can do active listening, rather than feel their daughters' pain.A mother's job is listening not talk all the times so that a child enables to communicate whatever issues makes them sad.They give their daughters the opportunity to step back and try to fix the problem themselves. 

    The problem when mothers fix things for their children is that it erodes daughters' self-esteem or it doesn't allow it to develop thus creating a dependance syndrome of " my mother can fix it all." It makes children feel like they can't do things by themselves.  

    In all you do remember to Invest in TIME with your children make sure you have time for your child regardless of your busy schedule that way it will make them feel important

    video downloaded from you-tube