Sunday 1 March 2015

Mother-child bond

We always hear experts saying the first time that a mother and child bond is during the first few hours after birth.Bonding refers to your feelings for and sense of connection to your child that begins before birth and usually develops very quickly in the first weeks after the baby is born. Bonding, or the development of trust between a mother and her child, begins from the moment the two are brought together.The bond between parent and child is one of the strongest connections in nature.Mother-child bonding is not a process that enlists not just our hearts, but our brains, hormones, nerves, and almost every part of our bodies. During this time mothers often breastfeed their children and hold them close, thus keeping the two in physical contact for the first precious hours and days of the infant’s life.

Mother-child bonding(picture downloaded from the internet)
Bond is such an amazing thing that a mother and a child would want to experience.However,with the increase in technology some bonds have been washed away while some have been reinstated. We can not deny the negative and positive impact of technology on the mother to child bond. I still remember when we started face-booking my friend used to complain that she was friends with her mother on Facebook.It made her feel like her mother was spying on her and she was in position where she felt like her mother was now going to have access to the information that she sent out to her friends.

 As much as we go to that extreme of trying to maintain or build strong bonds with our children sometimes we overdo it such that our daughters think that they are being watched.The way we want mothers and children create better relationships is that a case of mothers letting daughters fail and not fix everything for them. They can make sure that if their children are upset about something, they can do active listening, rather than feel their daughters' pain.A mother's job is listening not talk all the times so that a child enables to communicate whatever issues makes them sad.They give their daughters the opportunity to step back and try to fix the problem themselves. 

The problem when mothers fix things for their children is that it erodes daughters' self-esteem or it doesn't allow it to develop thus creating a dependance syndrome of " my mother can fix it all." It makes children feel like they can't do things by themselves.  

In all you do remember to Invest in TIME with your children make sure you have time for your child regardless of your busy schedule that way it will make them feel important

video downloaded from you-tube

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