Friday 27 February 2015

Fabulous Friday with Purple Passion

(pic taken from
Today i just focused on a color that is said to be romantic and it is the color purple.I love the supremacy of purple because it makes a strong style statement. It works great in the world of business, but it also fits as a casual color that makes you look energetic.

Purple is a mighty color that is not only powerful in its striking appearance,but in meaning too.Purple has long been known as the color of royalty and is associated with wealth and leadership. It is a color that is a mix of red and blue

Purple is such a great color for so many reasons. If you are considering purple outfit for your next dress, you are making a good choice, there are so many different reasons why you should consider a purple dress and you’ll love the way it makes you look. So many people turn to purple because they are able to wear it to many different functions.

Purple can come in different shades, it can be bold or light. When wearing bold purple tones, let your purple garment stand out by wearing it with quiet colors that complement without competing.
 For light purple, choose vibrant, contrasting colors to create a bold look. Light purple has an added advantage because it fits any women whether tall, short,slender and fleshy.
. Light purple dresses suit all classes and shapes of women, the tall, not too tall, the slender or fleshy women - See more at:
. Light purple dresses suit all classes and shapes of women, the tall, not too tall, the slender or fleshy women - See more at:
Light purple dresses suit all classes and shapes of women, the tall, not too tall, the slender or fleshy women. - See more at:
Light purple dresses suit all classes and shapes of women, the tall, not too tall, the slender or fleshy women. - See more at:

Purple can be worn with accessorizes that are neutral like black. However, to add punch to the casual outfit. With black, gray, white, and silver it can be a no but that punch of purple makes it very fresh, modern, vibrant and youthful.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Ways to burn belly fat

picture taken from
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and saw what you did not want to see? Probably hated the way you belly looked like or looks like. Every women would love to look good and as i was reading i just found out 4 SIMPLE amazing ways to burn that belly fat.


<b>Nuts</b> about <b>Nuts</b>
Who ever thought nuts would do us women such a wonderful job. Nuts were feared but it is said that they keep the tummy full. A Purdue University study showed that people who eat nuts do not easily get hungry compared to those who eat rice for example.However, they are still loaded with calories, and can contribute to weight gain if high levels are consumed on a regular basis

bottled water has become liquid gold in the last 40 years the bottled ...

Water is a resource almost every person can access.Funny as it may sound water is one of the key aspect that enables you have a health life. If you drink water before you eats a meal, you will find that it makes you feel full so that you are not able to eat much. Not only does it help you to lose weight but it also helps to clean your digestive system and also it will help with the proper digestion of your food, hence the burning of your body fat.


Eating eggs for breakfast makes you feel fuller for longer so that you eat less at your next few meals.Eggs contain vitamin B12, which your body needs to metabolize fat.

 recipe includes two antioxidant superstars, glutathione-rich avocado ...

 Avocadoes are rich in fiber. They contain (11 to 17grams ), making them a great food for hunger helps you take care of your body.

NB-All pictures were downloaded from the internet


Tuesday 24 February 2015


The encouragement that a mother gets after giving birth is to breastfeed her child. Babies’ breastfeeding is exclusively for the first six months and mothers are sometimes advised to breastfeed up to one year or more.
It has been proved that breast milk has benefits which are
  • Providing natural antibodies that help your baby resist illnesses, such as ear infections.
  • It's usually more easily digested than formula.
  • It may lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in the first year of your baby's life.
  • It may raise your child's intelligence. Studies show breastfed babies have higher levels of cognitive function.
  • Breast milk may even help your child in later years, by reducing the risk of being overweight, and of developing asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol.
Women who breastfeed have a reduced risk of breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, ovarian cancer and the key reason many new mothers want to breastfeed. It's a wonderful bonding experience between a mother to child.

Coffee- (or soda or tea), some of the caffeine ends up in your breast milk and babies aren't able to excrete caffeine as quickly or efficiently as adults.

 Chocolate -Just like coffee and soda, chocolate contains caffeine.

Alcohol- One drink or less per day likely poses risk for babies.

Garlic - Eating garlic or food with garlic often leads to breast milk taking on the slight flavor of garlic .Garlic odor can enter milk up to two hours after a meal).

Mother breastfeeding child
 (pic taken from

Thursday 19 February 2015

Spend wisely

<b>backyard</b> <b>wedding</b> garden <b>wedding</b> ideas
Backyard Reception. (picture downloaded from

Have you ever imagined how your wedding day would look like? What color will be the decor, what will be on the menu, what the bridal team will wear. All these are questions that cross in the mind of every women.

Living in this modernization era every person would love to have a sophisticated wedding,better than the previous wedding she attended before. We all want to make a fairytale ,memorable day that will always leave a mark.

However,in doing so we must consider the financial aspect. Can we really afford what we want on that day. As much as we want to have a fancy wedding we need to stick to our budget. You can not plan to satisfy people on your wedding after all it was meant for you,not them. Brides tend to forget that there is life after the wedding. In the mind of every bride we must not forget that we are starting a new home so lets not over spend for tomorrow is other day.
Here are some of the tips on how you can decrease wedding costs

Avoid “wedding season”
Avoiding "wedding season" will help cut your wedding costs. Wedding receptions are more expensive during school holidays .

Limit the wedding guest list.
Most catering halls and restaurants charge by person, so every person is an expense to you. Before inviting someone you’ve never even seen before to your wedding, think if you want to take that wedding cost upon yourself.

Local as well as your own or your relative/friends’ back yard are low-cost wedding locations. That's a beautiful way of cutting wedding costs

Wedding Gown
Consider renting a gown and a tux for your wedding in order to reduce this wedding cost. Consider cheaper fabrics. Remember that you will wear that gown only once.

You might want to go for a DJ instead of a live band to reduce this wedding cost.

Wedding invitations
 If your relatives/friends are on Internet , you might even send a wedding invitation by e-mail. There are many different cards on Internet which cost-free. Also, you might design your own wedding invitations.

Bridesmaids-they must cater for they own expense that is the dress,hairdo and shoes 


Tuesday 17 February 2015

What have you done and what are you doing.

<b>men</b> beating <b>women</b> as <b>women</b> are <b>being</b> <b>beaten</b> today? There are many <b>men</b> ...
STOP WOMEN ABUSE (picture downloaded from
So many times we have considered ourselves as victims of abuse.We have not stood up for violence against women and yet we are saying no to violence and abuse of women. In societies we live in we have not considered our impact and the power we hold. We have viewed ourselves as supposedly to be under men. It is amazing to know that in this era some of the women are still dependent on men. Am not talking about being dependent financial but we still thinking that men are " Mr know it all". We have made men to rule our lives such that they begin to take advantage of us. We have heard issues to do with  violence in homes and women not willing to take their husbands to court because they believe if they go to jail none will take care of the family or be the head of the family.

Life has been unbearable in homes we live in but still others prefer to be still abused. It is not all about what others will see in  you  but its all about your happiness. You can not continue to punish yourself  because what others will think of you. Prevent death and stay alive for your kids. I want you to ask yourself what have you done and what are you doing as a victim of abuse and even  as a person affected. Many organizations have been opened to help women report abuse so its up to us to use these places wisely. MAKE A CHANGE NOW AND FREE YOURSELF FROM ABUSE