Thursday 26 February 2015

Ways to burn belly fat

picture taken from
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and saw what you did not want to see? Probably hated the way you belly looked like or looks like. Every women would love to look good and as i was reading i just found out 4 SIMPLE amazing ways to burn that belly fat.


<b>Nuts</b> about <b>Nuts</b>
Who ever thought nuts would do us women such a wonderful job. Nuts were feared but it is said that they keep the tummy full. A Purdue University study showed that people who eat nuts do not easily get hungry compared to those who eat rice for example.However, they are still loaded with calories, and can contribute to weight gain if high levels are consumed on a regular basis

bottled water has become liquid gold in the last 40 years the bottled ...

Water is a resource almost every person can access.Funny as it may sound water is one of the key aspect that enables you have a health life. If you drink water before you eats a meal, you will find that it makes you feel full so that you are not able to eat much. Not only does it help you to lose weight but it also helps to clean your digestive system and also it will help with the proper digestion of your food, hence the burning of your body fat.


Eating eggs for breakfast makes you feel fuller for longer so that you eat less at your next few meals.Eggs contain vitamin B12, which your body needs to metabolize fat.

 recipe includes two antioxidant superstars, glutathione-rich avocado ...

 Avocadoes are rich in fiber. They contain (11 to 17grams ), making them a great food for hunger helps you take care of your body.

NB-All pictures were downloaded from the internet


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